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Respiratory Rx Series for NDs consist of 2 sessions, carrying 3 Pharmacy CE hours approved through OBNM and AANP. Cost: $75.
Session 1:
The drugs used for allergy and asthma (and COPD) are growing every year—in numbers of prescriptions written, in cost, in quantity of drug classes employed. While naturopathic medicine stays relatively the same year after year, century after century, conventional medicine changes its standards of care with remarkable rapidity. Stay current with the latest in drug use understanding. Learn what to expect with conventional medicine and be able to offer your patients a different kind of educational experience in your office.
Session 2:
Too often, patients are prescribed antibiotics (anti-bacterials) for an underlying viral infection. This promotes antibiotic resistance and does nothing therapeutic for the suffering patient (other than a possible placebo effect—a worthy topic all its own), while definitely raising the potential for adverse events secondary to nutrient depletions and disrupted gut flora, not to mention other sequelae that would seem to the average observer as a disconnected, disparate event. Don’t be average! Know the drugs your patients and clients are using, whether you prescribe them or not! AND, carry away clinical pearls to help you with your very next ill patient to provide him with fundamentally naturopathic thoughts and suggestions that will not only get him well quickly, but KEEP him well going forward!
Dr. Christie Fleetwood, ND, RPh, earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from the Medical College of Virginia/Virginia Commonwealth University, in 1988. After practicing as a retail pharmacist in the greater Richmond area for a decade, she attended Bastyr University, earning a doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine in 2004. Because of her unique education and training, she understands both conventional medicine as well as natural forms of healing.