Homeopathic Case Taking

Homeopathic Case Taking – 3-part Series, Recorded

This course does offer 9 General CME credits for Naturopathic Doctors, approved through NANCEAC. This expires 12-31-2024.

This nine hour, three-part Homeopathic Case Taking Series is designed to help you become a better homeopathic case taker. Often, the quickest and most complete treatment success hinges on the initial case that is taken. This does not necessarily mean a longer case. On the contrary, knowing how to take a case properly can shorten the time you spend initially and during case management. It can also improve your clinical outcomes.

In many, if not most cases, the amount of information collected is more than needed, or so it seems at first glance. Often a practitioner ends up with 10+ pages of notes, and yet, when they sit down to study the case, there are no complete symptoms and the remedy remains elusive. How do we take less information and end up with more complete cases?

This is an area of expertise for course instructor, Dr. Eli Camp. With a specialization in working with folks on the spectrum, Dr. Camp had to hone her skills in quick and accurate case taking, often for non-communicative people. This has resulted in a system that yields complete cases that are easier to study and prescribe for.  


Homeopathic Case Taking Part 1 – Acute and First-aid Cases, 3 hours

This session covers homeopathic case taking for first aid and acute situations. The main topics to be discussed include: the initial case intake, special strategies for poor or incapable communicators, clarification of symptoms and remedy differentiation during the intake. Students will learn specific questioning strategies to allow for a quick and thorough (enough) intake which in turn makes the remedy selection and case management easier.  

This learning session includes both lecture and interactive exercises. The lecture portion is accompanied by complete handouts and will be recorded along with the interactive portion. While not mandatory, attendees will have an opportunity during the interactive exercises to try their hand at acute case taking with live feedback on the spot. The interactive portion was only available to live participants.

In addition to case-taking for an individualized prescription, a number of remedies, considered first aid and acute, e.g. Arnica, will also be covered.


  • Complete symptoms in first aid and acute cases; the main thing (15 min)
  • First aid / Acute – triage (15 min)
  • First aid case taking (30 min)
  • Acute case taking (30 min)
  • Case taking strategies for first-aid and acute situations when verbal questioning is not an option (30 min)
  • Recording of interactive case taking and feedback (60 min)

Homeopathic Case Taking Part 2 – Chronic (Constitutional) Cases: Kids and the Non-communicative, 3 hours

When do you have enough information for a chronic prescription? There are many challenges a practitioner faces when taking the homeopathic case of a child, whether newborn or teenaged, chatty or aphasic. In this session we learn how to get the symptoms of the case for those too young or otherwise not able to verbally communicate. We will also cover questioning strategies for those who are simply not body aware or who are without proper vocabulary to communicate. We discuss how to take a complete enough case for non-communicative people, and for those with ASD and post-stroke. It is the goal of this session to elevate your case taking skills and help you improve clinical outcomes with the non- or poorly-communicative population.


  • Complete symptoms in a chronic, non-communicative case; the main thing (15 min)
  • Special attributes of the child and non-communicative individual (30 min)
  • Body language: what are we looking for, what does it mean, what symptoms can we gather to use and how we should/should not use them (45 min)
  • Observation techniques, questioning strategies, and setting a stage to acquire information (45 min)
  • Synthesis of observational information into a foundational case (45 min)

Homeopathic Case Taking Part 3 – Chronic (Constitutional) Cases: General population, 3 hours

In this session, Dr. Camp will present a systematic way to take a chronic homeopathic case that yields complete symptoms and a solid foundation on which to base a remedy selection. In the general field of homeopathy, the largest group of people seeking care have sufficient vocabulary to provide the details needed for a thorough enough case to prescribe on. However, there is often so much information that it can be difficult to wade through. And, it is often discovered after the subject has gone on their way that there are missing pieces of information and therefore incomplete with which symptoms to prescribe. How do we get the complete case in one sitting? We will cover questioning strategy and initial remedy differentiation with the client while in the visit. It is the goal of this session to elevate your case taking skills and help you improve clinical outcomes with the general population.


  • Complete symptoms in a chronic case; the main thing (45 min)
  • Systematic case taking (5 min)
  • Brief, initial case building and while with the patient (30 min)
  • Initial remedy differentiation while with the patient (1 hour)

Learning objectives: 

  • Build a complete symptom based on homeopathic descriptors of location, sensation, modalities, and concomitants.
  • Identify the main feature of a case.
  • Identify primary symptoms to build a complete case.
  • Extrapolate symptoms to build a case for a person who is a low or non-communicative subject.
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