Homeopathy 0-60 Full Course

Homeopathy 0-60 with Eli Camp, ND, DHANP

Three-part, 275-hour course on homeopathy.

Includes class + clinical + mentoring.

Taught over ~1 year.

This class is full. The next live class will be offered in 2021.

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The intent of this course is to get you using homeopathy. Whether you are using this at home or with your patients and clients, you will be able to begin using the art of homeopathy following the very first class of Part 1. This is classical homeopathy but we do cover a variety of topics including isopathy, cell salts, topicals and other tools for success.

Class meets Mondays, 6:30 – 8:30 pm Central. All class hours will be held via live Zoom Meetings. There is a call-in only option available but live video attendance is encouraged.

Classes will be recorded for anytime access without expiration.


  • Part 1: $400 – limit 100 students
  • Part 2: $600 – limit 100 students
  • Part 3: $2200 – limit 25 students, payment plan available, priority given to those who enroll for full course.
  • Full course: $2800 – limit 25 students, payment plan available, limit 25 slots.
  • Discounts available for HANP student or professional members and student or vital NMI associates. Email us for a discount code.


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Who is this course for?

Parts 1 and 2 are excellent options for anyone, with or without knowledge of homeopathy and whether you are a home practitioner or a health care professional. Part 3 is designed for health care professionals but is open to home practitioners on a case by case basis. You will need approval from Dr. Camp to enroll in Part 3 if you are not a health care professional.

Parts 1-3 will consist of presentation, discussion, case review, quick start remedy guides and Q & A. In Part 3 only, class will also include live case taking, active case discussion, case management and homeopathic software training. Students who take all 3 parts will finish with 5 cases similar to those needed for the DHANP.

Naturopathic Doctors are given priority for enrolling in this course.

Registrants who enroll in all parts (Parts 1-3) using a HANP promocode are given one year of HANP membership (Student or Professional) at no additional charge. In addition to all HANP benefits, registrants will be added to the HANP private homeopathy discussion group. HANP membership benefits also include the monthly Homeopathic Mentor discussion with homeopaths holding their DHANP credential and access to the HANP Members Resource Library. We also have discounts for NMI Associates. Contact us.

The entire course has been approved by HANP and NMI and will be submitted to ACHENA. Part 3 has been submitted for CE through OBNM (Oregon) and NANCEAC.

Part 1

Foundational/refresher class which covers primary vs secondary reactions, complete symptoms, mechanism of action, acute and chronic healing curves, when a remedy does not work, posology, isopathy, cell salts and keynotes. This 4-week session includes a first aid 10-remedy quick start guide, acute 10-remedy quick start guide and a polychrest 5-remedy jump start guide. If applicable Clinical hours are logged and assignments are reviewed and commented on before return. 15 hours (8 hrs class, 7 hrs clinical), meets for 4 weeks.

Part 2

This is a six-week session which covers acute and chronic case taking, homeopathic charting, basic repertorizing, remedy differentiation, remedy selection, posology, case follow-up, introduction to long-term case management, incorporating homeopathy alongside other naturopathic modalities and an overview of homeopathic software (RADAR, Mac Rep and TBR2). Students will take a full chronic case and submit it for evaluation and feedback. If applicable, clinical hours are logged and assignments are reviewed and commented on before return. 30 hours (12 hrs class, 18 hrs clinical), meets for 6 weeks.

Part 3

Conducted over 24 weeks with built-in breaks, Part 3 includes in-depth instruction on taking and evaluating acute and chronic cases, remedy differentiation, remedy selection, long-term case management, difficult and challenging cases, materia medica discussions and training in homeopathic software (RADAR, Mac Rep and TBR2). We will also discuss creating revenue streams using homeopathy, homeopathic kits and group workshops. We will do live case taking during numerous classes. Students will have completed cases similar to the 5 required DHANP credentialing cases by the end of Part 3. Group and 1:1 mentoring will cover clinical application of Parts 1-3. Clinical hours are logged and assignments are reviewed and commented on before return.

Mentoring hours will be done over Zoom in both group and a 1:1 environment as needed; online scheduling is available. Weekly live chat hours via zoom, Mon-Fri from 8-8:30 am Central are held for help with questions and ongoing clinical cases. A scheduler is provided for alternative times for those participants who cannot make the live chat hours. Chat hours are not available on break weeks. 230 hrs (48 hrs class, 120 hrs clinical, 62 hrs mentored), meets for 24 weeks.

Part 3 has been submitted for CE for Naturopathic Physicians in North America and Canada (OBNM and NANCEAC).

This class is full. The next live class will be offered in 2021.

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