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If you are like many women, hormone fluctuations can take you for a wild ride. You might suffer common problems during your reproductive years, such as PMS, heavy periods and uncomfortable menstrual cramps. You might also struggle with hormone-related medical problems, such as fibrocystic breasts, uterine fibroids, or endometriosis or perhaps you are suffering from the effects of menopause. In this talk, we will discuss how Naturopathic Doctors takes a whole body approach to balancing hormones. Learn what factors could be creating your imbalances, and what you could do to bring your hormones back to balance, naturally.
Author: Kelly Hassberger, ND
Included presentation:
Bringing Hormones to Balance, Naturally
This package contains one, 60-minute presentation with audience handouts and speakers notes. The content is appropriate for both a general and professional audience, for educating and recruiting new patients and establishing a solid referral network. It is complete with images that illustrate concepts and ideas.